Guy Lefevre: Progression

Alphonse Leduc
Guy Lefevre: Progression
Written by Guy Lefevre, Progression is a set of short pieces for Drums on a music composed by Stéphane Moucha, for beginners and intermediate players. It is accompanied by a CD featuring 24 titles, to help the player through itsexecution. The book includes some 'Rhythmiques', short exercises of 8 measures, focus on the rhythms, the written breaks and some progressive pieces for beginners up to intermediate players, using all the main genres of music:binary, Jazz 4/4, 3/4, 5/4, Bossa, 12/8, Impro 4/4). Progression is a great book to start playing and to become more aware of the place of the Drums in an ensemble or a band. Guy Lefevre a French professor, who contributed tothe creation of the Emmanuel Boursault school of Drums and Stéphane Moucha is a Czech composer who plays the Violin.
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